I have nothing great or profound to say after my previous post, which was slightly longer than I meant it to be simply because I also included some of today's activities in that post; they matched my theme. But, I do want to say that Alan, Shannon, and I went to the St. Louis arch today armed with a few Fixed Point resources and began handing them out to interested individuals. It was a highly successful venture (far more so than it was in Chicago), where we left resources in the hands of a few skeptics, helped give an intellectual foundation to a couple of Christians who felt beaten down, helped encourage a couple of Christians to be bolder with their beliefs, and armed a local pastor with some of the tools he might need to properly aid some of his congregates who were really seriously facing these issues.
We found ourselves empty handed in a matter of thirty minutes, which was a completely different response than we had expected after Chicago. It simply shows that just because a particular methodology fails in one circumstance, that doesn't mean it will fail elsewhere. We must constantly be looking for new and innovative ways to approach every situation, and that takes tremendous creativity since no two situations are identical. But God has been gracious, and he certainly was today.
Tomorrow, it's off to Memphis for the last leg of our trip!
--Michael Taunton
Excellent observation, Michael! You are confirming empirically the truth of the parable of the sower. This played out at the historical level as well. The same seed which resiliently produced one small and stunted crop in Jerusalem, created a plethora of gardens in gentile lands. BW
I'm glad your day was such a success! Hope you have a safe trip back home!
Not that I wouldn't love to take credit for the above statement, but actually Bill W. gets the credit. We just had a mix up in posting and I don't know how to change it.
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